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For our next 3C2A Tech Hub Update we have a reminder to complete the Google Form for User Account set-ups, Launch Day Training RSVP and purchasing additional user accounts.


  • RSVP for Launch Day during ACCCES WINtensive Wednesday, July 17th at Orange Coast College from 10 am to 4 pm. See attached handout with parking information and local hotels near campus.

  • Please RSVP by filling out the following online form:

  • The 3C2A will be providing lunch, snacks, and giveaways!

  • What to bring?

  • Laptop,

  • List of the sports your college will offer for 2024-25 AY, and

  • List of all your head coaches with email addresses and phone numbers.

  • Portal User Accounts. Please complete the following Google Form so we can ensure each college has their accounts established prior to the system launching. Each college will have two accounts to be established.

  • Athletic Director Account. ADs in Phase 1 of the system launching will now be reviewing and approving Form 3’s (aka rosters). AD’s will also be able to access student-athlete data (aka Form 1’s). Future functions will include appeals, other association forms and more.


  • Eligibility Specialist. This position on your campus will be responsible for certifying eligibility and initiating Form 3’s in the system for Coach Review (Portal Guests), AD approvals (Portal Users) and Commissioner Verification (Portal Users). In the new system the student-athletes information from the Form 1 automatically will populate to a roster after the college declares the sports they are sponsoring for that academic year. Stay tuned for more information and updates on these processes in the coming weeks.


  • Purchasing Additional Portal User Accounts. The state office is working on configuring a price point for colleges to add 3C2A Tech Hub portal users to their accounts. Stay tuned for that information in a future weekly update. Additional Portal users are Salesforce accounts that the state office will provide to colleges at a charge.

  • Portal Users

  • Athletic Directors

  • Eligibility Specialists

  • The State Office

  • Commissioners

  • Guest Users (Free - no account required)

  • Head Coaches

  • Student-Athletes


Again, please share this email widely and be on the lookout for our next weekly update.

Go 3C2A!


Distribution: 3C2A Board of Directors, 3C2A Management Council, Commissioners, Deans/Athletic Directors.

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